By Rob Monk
Warragul cycling club members attended the Australian national masters championships held in Melbourne this year. Trevor Rollison, Paul Yeatman, Mariah Dastey and Sharon Gordon represented the club in individual events. The first ever Warragul women’s team consisting of Sharon Gordon, Adele Whelan and Mariah Dastey won bronze in the open team pursuit over 2000m. They recorded a time of 2:53.584 (41.48kph – the same as Gordon’s ITT speed).
The inaugural Karen Munro trophy was awarded to the winners and presented by Steve Muggeridge and PETA Stewart.
Sharon Gordon also claimed first in Event 11, the women’s WMAS1 ITT with a time of 43.397 (41.48kph).
With the success of our riders in the time trial disciplines, we should be running more of these events at club level to clean up at state and national level.