A small but dedicated bunch set off on the ‘Warragul Loops’ on Saturday12th March. Conditions were warm to hot which caused the group to ride straight through with out the usual mid ride stop. Wilf Tampaline was really feeling fit having ridden to and from Drouin to participate in the ride (an extra 16 kilometres). After a couple of false stops a coffee shop was eventually found to be open in Warragul at 4.oopm on a Saturday afternoon and a convivial social end to the day was enjoyed.
The next Sunday (March 20th) eight riders left from the Burke Street Tennis Courts for the round trip to Ellinbank and back in glorious autumn weather conditions. The mid way break was taken at the Daisy Patch where the group got into a deep and meaningful discussion about insurance and work care. Having solved these important problems the group continued on to Warragul after an extended ride via Cloverlea.
Bruce Campbell brought up the rear having slightly over extended himself but finished in good style with the satisfaction of a personal milestone in distance travelled (45 kilometres).
The next ride will leave as usual from the Warragul Velodrome at 9.00am next Sunday (April 3rd). Now is the optimum time for recreational riders to be out on the road as the countryside is looking magnificent and the weather is superb!