Mechanical Troubles For Yeatman


C grade began their scratch race before the other grades and worked well together to remain a head on the road from B and A grades. The pace was high heading down Old Sale Road and heading up after the turn around, everyone did their share of turns.

At around the 10km mark, metallic pinging noises were heard and collective utters of “what the hell is that” were heard to come from the bunch.  Shortly there after Yeatman  said “It’s my seat.” The bolts holding his saddle to his seat post had decided to throw themselves on the road.   As he  was seated, miraculously, the saddle remained on top of the post so it looked as if he would remain seated for the remainder of the race.

Shortly after the turn around at the end of lap 1, Yeatman shifted his  position in the saddle and it fell off.   He was forced to stop, put the saddle in his jersey pocket and continue on.    In order to get today’s points, Yeatman needed to finish the race, and he did just that, riding for 12km standing up.

Monk won the sprint.

Yeatman suffered the usual seat post up the rear end jokes after the race.  As today’s race marked the end of a short 3 week series, he was presented with a yellow jersey.

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